Thursday, September 23, 2010

Serve Green Smoothies For A Preschool Snack?

Absolutely! On Green Eggs and Ham Day. Why would I go to all the trouble to read a book about trying green stuff and not offer the kids the best green food I know of? (I wouldn't offer ham, thats for sure!)

There were six kids in the class. My bravest student downed his and asked for more. The other kids asked what it tasted like and he said "strawberries". I had put mostly peaches in with the greens so that it would be bright green. My daughter polished hers off quickly as well. Three other kids tasted it and one wouldn't take a sip. I wonder what would happen if I served it regularly? I bet I could get five kids drinking green smoothie. I also served green grapes which were a big hit and since crackers are the expected type of snack I served bright green guacamole chips, not something I would personally eat, but the kids loved them and said they tasted just like Doritos.

Books for the long e sound. We were reviewing the letters s,a, and m.

Pin the egg by the ham...


holley family said...

ok, i hope you don't think i'm like a stalker, but what are guacomole chips?

Regina said...

Hee hee, guacamole chips are found right by doritos and similar msg, vegetable oil laden unhealth foods in most stores. They are basically bright green doritos that taste nothing like guacamole. They taste just like doritos. I try so hard to serve healthy foods, but when I plan a party I'm such a sucker for unhealthy foods that fit my theme.

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